Blanched Spinach and Lettuce

As you know by now, I'm into healthy eating and only occasionally deep fry my dishes, particularly fish as hubby loves his fish deep fried. I prefer steamed fish or pan fried. But I must say one thing though....., the crispy bones of deep fried fish can be very addictive! lol......

When it comes to vegetables, you should bear in mind never to overcook them or else all the vitamins and minerals will be lost. There's nothing healthier than a quick blanch and then add the necessary seasoning. That way, the veges maintain their crunch. Try this recipe and let me know if you like it!:-)

Sometimes I cook a combination of vegetables just to get the variety and the taste of different texture of vegetables in the mouth can be very appetizing.

Spinach is loaded with calcium, folic acid, vitamins and iron. We are all too familiar with "Popeye the Sailor Man" and how empowering spinach is! Haha.....well, it's true!

Lettuce, on the other hand, is high in beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin C, potassium and folic acid.

1 bunch of spinach, washed and cut
1 small lettuce, washed and peeled
5 shallots, fried till crispy
1 tsp oyster sauce
1 tbs soya sauce

Put a pot of water to boil. Blanch the spinach and lettuce briefly for 3 seconds and remove, draining out the water. Mix the shallots, oyster sauce and soya sauce together in a small bowl. Pour sauce mixture over the vegetables. Serve.


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